
2018年1月27日—Thisismoreefficient.Thiscanbedonemoreefficiently.Sheismoreefficientthanhim.Sheworksmoreefficientlythanhim.查看翻譯.,Somepeoplehavemoreefficientbrains.”有些人的大腦比較有效率。」瀏覽教材.,moreefficientisthemostpopularphraseontheweb.Morepopular!moreefficient.75,100,000resultsontheweb ...,ThephraseitwillbemoreefficientisgrammaticallycorrectandcanbeusedinwrittenEnglish.Itisusedtoexpr...

efficient" 和"more efficiently" 的差別在哪裡?

2018年1月27日 — This is more efficient. This can be done more efficiently. She is more efficient than him. She works more efficiently than him. 查看翻譯.

efficiently (【副詞】有效率地)意思、用法及發音

Some people have more efficient brains.” 有些人的大腦比較有效率。」 瀏覽教材.

efficiently or more efficient?

more efficient is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! more efficient. 75,100,000 results on the web ...

it will be more efficient

The phrase it will be more efficient is grammatically correct and can be used in written English. It is used to express that something will be done more ...

more efficient

ph. efficient的形容詞比較級. Dr.eye 譯典通.

much more efficiently

The phrase much more efficiently is correct and usable in written English. You can use it when you want to compare two things in terms of efficiency.

What is the difference between more efficient and ...

2018年1月27日 — Synonym for more efficient This is more efficient. This can be done more efficiently. She is more efficient than him. She works more ...

When can I use 'more efficiently'? Is it grammatically correct ...

2017年7月19日 — “More efficiently” is fine in that context; “fight against diseases” is not. We say “fight diseases”. The sentence is best rendered with “…


2016年7月23日 — 或者用「不及物動詞」work,寫成:. That works better.